Tuning Your Guitar
Learn how to tune your strings relative to each other - this article includes an online audio tuner you can use to make sure you are in concert pitch before you leave the house!
Click here to read the full article on Guitar Tuning, and put an end to those bum notes for good!
P.J. Murphy
Choosing an Amp
Click Here to read the full article, written for PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics by Chris Elmore, GuitarTips
P.J. Murphy
Learn to play the Major Chords
Click Here to see the lesson.
P.J. Murphy
Choosing Guitar Strings and ... Sore Fingers!
What Are The Different Types Of Guitar Strings Available Today?
Your guitar may come with steel strings or nylon strings, depending on what style of guitar you have bought. The following information will outline the key differences between Nylon and Steel strings. All strings vary in sound. Therefore, it is best to try out different strings before you settle down with one particular brand.
Nylon strings are generally used in classical music although some jazz players use nylon strings for their finger style techniques. Some folk guitarists use nylon strings as well. Nylon strings are great for beginners because they are easier on the fingers than steel strings. They are also cheaper than steel strings.
Steel Strings are generally used in Rock, Country and Folk music because of their twangy resonance and versatility. Steel strings come in different gauge sizes. "Gauge" is the term to describe the thickness of the string. Therefore you can have 'light gauge' strings or heavy gauge strings. Lights are recommended for beginners, as they are thin and soft.
Also available today are strings that combine both silk and steel together. The sound of these strings is very bright and clear. They are also extremely easy on your fingers. So when you are choosing your strings, keep in mind that the differences in brands are very slight. In fact, more expensive strings are not necessarily the best.
Also a good point to keep in mind is that every time your fingers touch the strings, they pick up dirt and rust. This causes your strings to loose their sound and life. So after playing your guitar, give your strings a wipe with a DRY rag but not damp one.
Your fingers will also get a little sore when first starting out. Don't worry, as this will all go away. Try to soak your fingers in a bit of vinegar before you play, or even rub them in aloe vera afterwards. This will reduce the soreness.
The aim here is to develop a hard layer of skin on the tips of your fingers so that it doesn't hurt to play after that. A friend once told me that learning to play the guitar is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Thus, if you want to become an unreal guitarist, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE. That's the biggest secret!
How To Play The Electric / Acoustic Guitar in Exactly 30 Days!
Learn from the best - This guy shows you how he learnt to play the guitar in exactly 30 days and bypass guitar lessons achieving real results! Results that got him featured on channel 7 news, hits FM radio, recording studio's and live on stage to thousands.
Click here to go to his site now. It's got heaps of hot tips. I highly recommend it!
Click here to see how you can get maximum life out of your strings
P.J. Murphy
Choosing Your Guitar
How to choose the Guitar that suits you best?
When it comes to choosing the right guitar for you, the most important thing to keep in mind is: "What kind of music are you going to be playing?"
Click here to read the full article
P.J. Murphy
Reading and Understanding Tab
Most guitar sites you will find feature guitar tablature
( tab ), which is the series of numbers, dashes and symbols you
attached. I try to stick to just the chords and lyrics, as my
site, PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics is mainly intended for the learning guitar player.
Tab is just a method of showing exactly how lead guitar is
played for a song, note for note. I have a guide to reading
and understanding tab at
http://www.guitarsongs.info/guitar-tabs-guide.htm - you might
find it useful.
Enjoy your music,
P.J. Murphy,
Webmaster, PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -
eMail: pjmurphy@guitarsongs.info